Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fire in a Pole Barn and the most important rule of photojournalism

       Photography is a lot like the game of Othello: a minute to learn, a lifetime to master.  Many aspects of the art seem so simple, but using all of the tools and techniques is a challenge that can use every part of your being.  Physical endurance, creativity, emotional insight, intellectual curiosity, and even spiritual understanding all have their place, but one important rule should not be overlooked: Go to the bathroom whenever you have the chance.  Spot news events, such as fires and crashes can last a long time, you never know when the best photograph may happen, and if you need to talk with the incident commander then you usually need to wait.
   Before going to this fire I had been at another fire, and by the time I arrived I thought it would be nice to use a restroom.  By the time I left I thought I could have helped the firemen put out the fire.
   A good reminder of one of the most important rules for photojournalism.

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